Map of the local innovation industry.
Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Belo Horizonte.
Helped 50+ startups bootstrap, 30+ define better products, 10+ negotiate seed rounds, advised 3 while reaching their first million in revenues.
Co-founder and CEO of @dito-internet
Founder Ltda • Worked at @ati-research • Studied at @yale-university, @universidade-federal-de-minas-gerais
Co-founder at Rock Content, Startup Chile Alum
Founder @remote-park
Founder @lagiar • Worked at @blue-box-inform-tica
Co-Founder @tracksale • VP of Associação Brasileira de Startups.
Gamification enthusiast, leadership student and practitioner, helper a few startups grow, fast learner.
CEO of Datastorm. Passionate tech entrepeneur. Expert on product and project management.
Founder @sociact • Studied at @fundacao-getulio-vargas
Co-Founder and CEO at
Founder Memocards; Mechanical Engineering Student; Visionary Entrepreneur
Entrepreneur with strong engineering skills (Java, backend, AWS, Android, *nix). Academic background on IR and AI. Dev community leader (regional GTUG founder)
Founder of @bim-bon. Architect and Urban Planner (UFMG).
Co founder @shippify sweet API for Shipping and Logistics @georgetown-university Scholar now in @Seed Alumni @startupchile @startup-next hacking my flow state
Teacher and Founder at @beved
I’m a developer passionate for music, technology and innovation, a great enthusiast for new ideas looking for a better future to all people.
Founder @caravane.
Founder @pousadinhas
Fundador da startup 120mm Studio manager, sou formado em Publicidade pela PUC MINAS, trabalho desde 2005 com desenvolvimento de apps WEB e Mobile.
Co-Founder @perspeck. IT infrastrucute architect, developer and product manager. MBA and MSc AI/CI.
Designer and CEO at @dreamsapp
VilarikA founder
Founder Urbe21 • Investor @dreamsapp
Gestor de empresas, fusqueiro frustrado, cervejeiro noob, antropólogo de primeira viagem, cinemeiro e apaixonado por jujuba café.
Co-fundador do @rockbee, host do @empreendecast, apaixonado por empreendedorismo e tecnologia.
CEO at 4YouSee. @ead-builder's Co-founder.
Master Degree in Computer Science, interested Agile Software Development. IT Consultant at UFMG.
CEO/CTO Triveo. Cyclist, sport lover, geek, serial reader with strong business background. Music lover...
CAO/CFO @tracksale
Founder @pagamos • Investor @pagamos
CEO of LeadSeletor. Serial entrepreneur, founded Oh!Minas and Aloltech Telecom • MSc in International Business and Marketing at @iscid, @Ajou University.
Entrepreneur. Founder at Cellide, creator of Picker. BSEE, software engineer for past 10+ years. Hardcore API coder & product developer.
Founder Arte e Artefato, Arte e Artefato • Have a PhD in Philosophy at @federal-university-of-minas-gerais; Teach at Minas Gerais State University