Belo Horizonte Startups List

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Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Belo Horizonte.

Meet 65 developer View everyone

ID 168790

Leandro Faria

CEO of Datastorm. Passionate tech entrepeneur. Expert on product and project management.

ID 189967


The original cloud networking company. With our VNS3 product, over 700 customers extend networks to create hybrid clouds.

ID 3818

João Drummond

Founder yoozon

ID 423514

Gabriel Lemos

Founder @lagiar • Worked at @blue-box-inform-tica

ID 582623

Denilson Sá

Worked at @aceitafacil • Studied at @ufrj-universidade-federal-do-rio-de-janeiro

ID 50458

Gustavo Veloso

BSc, Information Systems. Specialist, Software Engineering; CTO at @streetinvestor. Worked at DeskMetrics and Capgemini.

ID 268172

Franklin Valadares



ID 352561


Masters degree student, software engineer with 7 years of experience, 5 of them as CTO of a software house, entrepeneurship lover.

ID 422179

Rodrigo Ferreira

Founder Ltda • Worked at @ati-research • Studied at @yale-university, @universidade-federal-de-minas-gerais

ID 122374

Thiago Silva Vilela

ID 847616

Celso Cenachi

Project manager and sênior developer.

ID 680124

William Rufino

MSc Student at Universidade Fumec, Computer Science BSc, Full Stack Developer, Strong experience with Web Development and Digital Marketing.

ID 377918

Thiago Lara

ID 505011

Rafael Bandeira de Melo

Founder @sociact • Studied at @fundacao-getulio-vargas

ID 103672

Leonardo Luiz Padovani da Mata

Backed Software Architect at Meliuz. Master in Computer Science. Open Source Technologies Specialist. C, C++, Java, Python Programmer.

ID 61132

Renato Mangini Dias

Entrepreneur with strong engineering skills (Java, backend, AWS, Android, *nix). Academic background on IR and AI. Dev community leader (regional GTUG founder)

ID 459232

Bruno Nascimento Santos

Extremely interested in learning new technologies and solving all kinds of challenging software engineering problems. Worked at and Gap

ID 305161

Daniel Naves de Carvalho

Ruby and Javascript expert with experience in Large distributed systems

ID 846554

Michael Mafort

Full stack generalist, worked with MIT Media Lab, for government of Minas Gerais, I have developed projects in PHP, Ruby (Sinatra and Rails) and Python.

ID 219114

Rafael Amorim

NERD, coffe lover and a great guy :P Programming since 2006, did lots of cool stuff since then. Let's chat, i can tell you more about those things.

ID 226966

Carlos Henrique Palhares

Creative and passionate multidisciplinary developer. Working with it since I was 15. Automate everything is my motto.

ID 166759

Alex Ferreira

Ruby, Ruby on Rails, PHP, Javascript, NodeJS, MySql, MongoDB, CounchDB, Redis, HTML5

ID 502474

Lucas Mendonça

Founder @sala

ID 498495

Mateus Santos

Founder @e-belle, @vilarika-solucoes • Worked at @zeedhi, @primesystems • Studied at @pontificia-universidade-catolica-de-minas-gerais

ID 502303

Rachel Costa

Founder Arte e Artefato, Arte e Artefato • Have a PhD in Philosophy at @federal-university-of-minas-gerais; Teach at Minas Gerais State University

ID 813755

Diego Alisson Fernandes de Mendonça

An UI Software Engineer with solid skills on the Back­End field focusing on delivering good quality code using agile methodologies.

ID 496927

Shwetang R.D

Founder & CEO - DribbleLogics

ID 502492

Ricardo Roquim Ferreira

UI/UX Designer, Publicitário, Relações Públicas e estudante em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas.

ID 421504

Rafael Carvalho

Worked at @siemens, @avenue-code • Studied at @universidade-federal-de-minas-gerais

ID 480636

Thiago Rocha

I’m a passionate back-end developer. I love learning and experimenting patterns throughout my code. I’m interested in mobile tech, “non-boring” web development.

ID 584607

Paulo Henrique Pires

Full stack developer, working with the both sides of a project, build and contributor with a lot of open-source project, speaker in some events.

ID 322666

Rafael Menta

Front-end engineer at @avenue-code ; Strong Javascript skills and some Java and PHP background; BS in Computer Science

ID 457654

Vinicius Coimbra

ID 496411

Claudio Fernandes

UFMG BSCS and MSCS on 3D reconstruction. Currently working with game development.

ID 484422

Rogerio Hilbert Lima

Python Developer, bachelor in Computer Science, works with Django at Pixbuffer and Mydeco

ID 769327

Olavo Shibata

Senior Consultant of EY; Web and mobile software engineer; Experience working for clients such as FIFA, Accenture and Oi Telecomunicações

ID 90645

Bruno Eustáquio

Co-fundador do @rockbee, host do @empreendecast, apaixonado por empreendedorismo e tecnologia.

ID 503952

Glauco Bertu

Worked at @o2-games, @totvs

ID 712626

Arley Andrada

Software engineer at FUNDEP / UFMG, father of wonderful children, loving husband, passionate about technology, consultant, entrepreneur, full stack developer.

ID 144915

Fernando Piancastelli

Entrepreneur. Founder at Cellide, creator of Picker. BSEE, software engineer for past 10+ years. Hardcore API coder & product developer.

ID 550996

Mauro Freitas

Founder & CTO at Turma do Tião Camaleão • Worked at @seed-startups-and-entrepreneurship-ecosystem-development

ID 291297

Arthur Câmara

ID 486648

Rafael Vieira

Founder Política Esporte Clube, Worked at,,

ID 708516

Bernardo Carvalho

Founder @ Let Me Mobi You. Strong mobile software development skills. MBA IBMEC (2012) and CS UFLA (2009). Born to work in Start-ups.

ID 411833

Filipe Bragança

Fundador da startup 120mm Studio manager, sou formado em Publicidade pela PUC MINAS, trabalho desde 2005 com desenvolvimento de apps WEB e Mobile.

ID 189777

Armando Rogério Junior

Worked at @embratel, @attps-inform-tica

ID 505463

Fábio Cabral

More than 15 years experience on IT area, a great professional experience on development, software architecture, SOA, has great speaking and training skills.

ID 168839

Leonardo Ferreira

Software Architect and Solutions Consultant, concluding a bachelor in computer science

ID 483265

Lucas Mendes de Freitas

I’m a developer passionate for music, technology and innovation, a great enthusiast for new ideas looking for a better future to all people. Founder @caravane.

ID 339519

Edgard Davidson

ID 406975

Gabriel Hamdan

CEO of Captaqui, with extreme problem solving background, business expertise and a lot of technical experience in product and web development.

ID 542997

Alexandre Oliveira Santos

Computer Engineer, 5+ years developing iOS apps and 3+ Android. 7+ years software development. Worked with projects at, TV Globo, Gol Linhas Aéreas and Boehringer Ingelheim.

ID 502948

Christian Maurilio de Camargos

Founder Só Motoboy

ID 415384

Daniel Moreira

Founder Ludic Side

ID 712708

Eder de Souza Andrade

iOS Team Coordinator at Pontomobi, biggest mobile company in Latin America. Developed apps for Coke, Ambev, Citibank, Telefonica and Unilever.

ID 153061

Stefano Marotta

Worked at @aorta-mobi, @nuts-ideias

ID 326033


Security Researcher

ID 418618

Renato Lima

System Architect at @fitnova

ID 315353

Luiz Paulo Coelho Ferreira

Studied in a top 5 Computer Science College in Brazil, great programming skills, experience in different languages, good learning.

ID 627672

Glaydston Veloso

ID 578197

Mauricio Carvalho

Loves coding, telecom, smartphones and videogames. Waiting for the wearables and humanoid robots

ID 856906

Diego Freitas

A Software Engineer with solid skills on User Interaction and Server-Side field focusing on delivering good quality and performatic code using agile.

ID 421648

João Lucas Pereira de Santana

Ruby and JavaScript developer. Entrepreneur. UI developer of Bloomingdale's

ID 148314

Diógenes Falcão

ID 509012

Bruno Galinari

CEO of Mine. Co-founded arte&moderna. Math Graduate

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