Belo Horizonte Startups List

Map of the local innovation industry.
Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Belo Horizonte.

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ID 334937

Aga Gajownik

Acceleration Process Managerat Techmall ( Social entrepreneur/ mentor/ trainer promoting entrepreneurship development in various countries.

ID 422218

André Procópio

Founder @pousadinhas

ID 701069

Marcelo Santos

Founder & CEO of GetUpr. Strong business background and experiences.

ID 3818

João Drummond

Founder yoozon

ID 168790

Leandro Faria

CEO of Datastorm. Passionate tech entrepeneur. Expert on product and project management.

ID 407172

Thiago Veloso

Founder at @yoozon, @mevisite and @lab28. Marketing specialist, Product and Team Manager.

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