Belo Horizonte Startups List

Map of the local innovation industry.
Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Belo Horizonte.

Meet 6 operations View everyone

ID 407172

Thiago Veloso

Founder at @yoozon, @mevisite and @lab28. Marketing specialist, Product and Team Manager.

ID 334937

Aga Gajownik

Acceleration Process Managerat Techmall ( Social entrepreneur/ mentor/ trainer promoting entrepreneurship development in various countries.

ID 168790

Leandro Faria

CEO of Datastorm. Passionate tech entrepeneur. Expert on product and project management.

ID 701069

Marcelo Santos

Founder & CEO of GetUpr. Strong business background and experiences.

ID 3818

João Drummond

Founder yoozon

ID 422218

André Procópio

Founder @pousadinhas

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